Monday, March 26, 2007

Mia turned 1 on February 23rd. We had a Ladybug theme for her party. Mia weighs about 26 pounds, is walking, and says a few words like "Mama," "Bye bye," "Duck," and "Bear." She is happy and always smiling. She is pretty fearless, loving the swing and go down the big slides at the park. She climbs up the stairs to the playground equipment as fast as Daniel runs up them.

I picked her up from the nursery one day a couple of weeks ago. I get a note each time telling me about Mia while in the nursery. One part of the note says,
"Mia's favorite part today was:", then they circle story time, free play time, or song time. The nursery worker that day drew a line through the choices, then wrote in "Snack time." I guess her favorite part was the snacks!

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