Monday, June 19, 2006

This is my beautiful baby girl. Who wouldn't want hair like hers? Posted by Picasa
Hammin' it up! Posted by Picasa
When I was taking pictures, I'd tell Daniel to "Say CHEESE!" Daniel would say "TEESE" and grin. Posted by Picasa
Daniel is the typical male - learning how to use the remote control early. He already turns the TV off and on and knows how to change the channels. He is so funny when he does it. He gets this look on his face like, "What happened???" Posted by Picasa
Mia is 3 1/2 months old and is already sitting by herself. She is so strong, I thought I'd sit her on the floor and see what happens. To my suprise, she sat by herself (using her hands to hold herself up) - until her brother knocked her over. But I sat her again and she did it like an ol' pro! Posted by Picasa
Still sitting pretty! Posted by Picasa
Daniel is 18 months old now. He is trying to talk, mimicking whatever he hears. Tonight, he was eating an apple and saying "appo" over and over. He is also trying to say words like bubble, cookie, uh-oh, woo-woo, one, two, three, and E-I-E-I-O (from Old McDonald Had a Farm). Posted by Picasa
Bathtime fun! Mia and Daniel can take baths together, making the task a little easier on Mom. Plus, Mia seems to get a kick out of watching big brother splash around. Daniel likes to pour water on Sissy, which she doesn't mind as long as it doesn't get too close to her face. Posted by Picasa
Baby Mia is sleeping in her new bed. She likes her bed and thanks her Grandma and Grandpa in Kansas for bringing it to her. Posted by Picasa
Cute smile! You can see his from four pearly whites! Posted by Picasa
Daniel isn't very happy and is sucking his thumb for comfort. I think he still looks darn cute in his cap and no shirt. Shane and I frequently call him "The BMOC" or The Big Man on Campus. Posted by Picasa
My little girl is aleady sitting in her walker and scooting it backwards and likes to stand while holding my hands. I know she'll be as big as Daniel soon. Posted by Picasa
Mia is wearing her new dress for church. She is 3 1/2 months old and weighs 17 pounds. Posted by Picasa