Saturday, December 13, 2008

Daniel will be 4 next week. The other day in the car, I told him that I LOVED my babies. He told me, "Mom. I am NOT a baby. I am ALL GROWN UP!" It has all happened too fast.

Mia is 2 1/2. She is a bundle of energy who rarely stops moving. She recently learned to tumble and loves rolling all over the living room. She is wearing size 4T and I think is taller than Daniel. Her vocabulary has recently exploded talking (and making demands) in full sentences. A recent funny thing she said: One day in the car she was looking at a book. She pointed to the picture and said, "Look Mommy! A hopgrasser!" I asked her if she meant a grasshopper? "No," she said. "A hopgrasser!"

Winter fun in Wisconsin. The kids are in their jammies, but could not wait to get outside to play in the snow for just a few minutes.

OK, maybe a little too much aw and wonder.

The snow globe has always been a big hit at Christmas time. They love to listen the to tinkling music and watch the snow.

This year, we had no blood or screaming while decorating the tree.

Daniel and Mia helped to decorate the Christmas tree.

Daniel and Mia made applesauce cinnamon ornaments this year. After you let them dry, they smell really great and you can paint them before you hang them on the tree.

Post Thanksgiving nap.