Tuesday, July 22, 2008

During one morning at Vacation Bible School, the discussion was centered around the truth that Jesus gives us the power to be thankful. Daniel and Mia's group was the youngest (preschoolers) so the workers helped them to write and draw pictures of things in which they were thankful. Daniel decided he was thankful for bacon, so that is what was on his first page.

Vacation Bible school was so fun! Here Daniel and Mia are wearing their matching Bob the Tomato (from Vegie Tales) shirts.

Recently, we took a trip to the "south", traveling Kansas and Southern Missouri. We started in Kansas City with the kids' Aunt Sarah. We went lots of fun places including the Children's Museum. Here Daniel and Mia are practicing being space cadets.

While In Kansas City, we had great Mexican food that is right around the corner from Aunt Sarah's house. Daniel is enjoying his FAVORITE meal - beans!

Mia enjoying her Mexican meal as well. Thank you Aunt Sarah!

Grandma Mary reading to the kids while we visited Kansas.

Next, we got to spend a couple of meals with Shane's Mom, Marian. The kids enjoyed seeing their Grandma in Missouri. I enjoyed seeing her too.

One of my favorite pictures of Marian and Mia.

I guess Mia is just enjoying herself that evening with Grandma.

Four generations - Grandma Christine, my mom, Mia, and me. I am so happy to have this picture. It will always be special to me.

Grandma Christine, my mom, and Mia.

Last, we went to visit my Uncle and Aunt, Larry and Ruth Ann. We enjoyed seeing my cousins and my Uncle Jimmy while there. A highlight was two trips to Truman Damn. Here Daniel and Mia are looking at a large aquarium. Mia is sporting a hat from Uncle Larry.

Mia sitting in a giant clam.

Daniel and Mia went fishing at the hatchery. Daniel fished for a couple of hours and never caught one. He certainly has the heart for it; he never gave up the entire time.

Mia giving Aunt Ruth Ann hugs. I think they liked each other.

Daniel enjoying one last story from Uncle Larry before we leave for home. Daniel also enjoyed listening to and laughing at Uncle Larry's funny, made-up stories. Daniel laughed for a long time about the story with the mosse wearing a pull up. Thank you Aunt Ruth Ann and Uncle Larry for a wonderful time at your house.

Daniel enjoying a strawberry on the 4th of July.