Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Daniel looking rather dashing in his red wagon. The weather has been so perfect for wagon rides lately. Posted by Picasa
Look closely and you can see Mia's two new bottom teeth. Posted by Picasa
Daniel likes to pull Mia in the wagon. The only problem it that he doesn't steer well and poor Mia could end up just about any where. Posted by Picasa
When I ask Daniel to smile, he often runs straight at me, puts his face directly on the camera, then makes this cheesy grin. I just happened to snap the shot before he made it to the camera this time. Posted by Picasa
I am suprised how well Mia rides in the wagon. I buckle her in and off we go. The bigger the bumps, the bigger she squeals. Posted by Picasa
Daniel and Mia are going for a wagon ride. Daniel gets so excited that he claps his hands and says, "WA-A-AGON!" He climbs right in, then says, "We-e-e-e!" as we pull away from the curb. Posted by Picasa
The land behind Daniel is an agricultural area for the school. We are only a mile from our apartment, but you wouldn't know it from the picture. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sweet smiles. Posted by Picasa
Aunt Mandy enjoying baby Mia. Aunt Mandy traveled from Arizona to see Mia and Daniel (and the rest of the family). Posted by Picasa
Grandma Mary with her "sweet baby boy." Posted by Picasa
Grandma Mary enjoying baby Mia. Posted by Picasa
Mia sitting in Grandma Mary's lap. Posted by Picasa
Mia is 6 months old. She already weighs 20 1/2 pounds. She can sit on her own and is becoming very interested in standing. She has two bottom teeth and is using them to explore new foods like green beans, lima beans, avocados, peaches, carrots, sweet potatos, mashed potatos, and broccoli. So far, she loves it all. Posted by Picasa
My baby boy is 20 months old now. He is talking so much now, saying new words every day. He is often proving to be smarter than I given him credit, suprising me by repeating song lyrics, copying words and phrases, and eager to learn as much as possible about this big, big world of his. Posted by Picasa
Jacob, Vicki, and Asher posed for a picture. This is the weekend that we went to a church retreat and enjoyed some rest and relaxation. Posted by Picasa
It looks like baby Caralena is waving at the camera. Jolena and her husband Chris, invited us to the retreat. Posted by Picasa
While hiking at Elephant Rocks, we took a break and took some pictures. Posted by Picasa
Yum! Daniel enjoyed ice cream with sprinkles at camp. Posted by Picasa