Monday, March 26, 2007

Daniel and Mia riding in a rocket.
We spent the weekend with friends in Branson. In total, there were 6 adults, and 4 babies between 12 months and 2 years - Daniel was the oldest. It was FABULOUS! Here is Daniel in Daddy's arms as we were walking on a trail.
Mia and Daniel were pooped after the exciting weekend with friends. Here is Mia, sound asleep in her car seat. Sweet dreams, baby doll.
Daniel fed the ducks - sort of. He'd throw the bread at the ducks but still liked having the close up view.
We took Daniel and Mia to the World Famous Topeka Zoo. Particularly Daniel enjoyed seeing the animals. Here they are looking into a fish tank together.
Daniel fed the goats at the petting zoo. He was a little nervous about touching them or them touching him, but he pretty soon warmed up to the idea of touching their fur. One licked his hand and Daniel squealed with delight.
We took Daniel and Mia to Gage Park in Topeka. They had a great time running, climbing, and sliding.
Mia had so much fun at the park!
Aunt Sarah and Mia.
Mia turned 1 on February 23rd. We had a Ladybug theme for her party. Mia weighs about 26 pounds, is walking, and says a few words like "Mama," "Bye bye," "Duck," and "Bear." She is happy and always smiling. She is pretty fearless, loving the swing and go down the big slides at the park. She climbs up the stairs to the playground equipment as fast as Daniel runs up them.

I picked her up from the nursery one day a couple of weeks ago. I get a note each time telling me about Mia while in the nursery. One part of the note says,
"Mia's favorite part today was:", then they circle story time, free play time, or song time. The nursery worker that day drew a line through the choices, then wrote in "Snack time." I guess her favorite part was the snacks!
Mia and Grandma Marian.
Here's the big girl while everyone sang "Happy Birthday".
After the candle flame was blown out, Mia looked confused, like she wondered what happened.
Daniel loves to help me in the kitchen and I let him when I can. This day, we were working on some chocolate covered cookie pops. I wrapped him in my apron and let him stand on a chair. It wasn't long before he was eating the chocolate creations. And the funny thing is, we were working on potty training that day. So he is wearing the sweater and apron, but no pants or underwear. So the view from behind was two white cheeks peeking from beneath the apron!
Daniel loves to wear his Elmo costume and carry Ernie. He also has a Big Bird Easter basket from last year on his right arm. The complete Sesame Street gang! And if you look closely at the bottom of the costume, you'll see his blue and yellow rubber boots peeking out. He wears this all the time to play.