Monday, August 27, 2007

What??? Do I see a pigtail? Finally, after 17 months of waiting, Mia finally has hair long enough to push into a pigtail holder. It is so cute to have her hair up, but a bit of work. Holding down a squirming, active toddler while trying to neatly comb 10 strands of hair into a tiny holder is not my idea of fun. Not to mentuon, when you get one side done, you have to do the other! And about 10 seconds after all that, Mia just puts her hand on top of her head and yanks it out. She does, however, hand the pigtail holder back to you.
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My sweet baby girl!
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Here is Daniel and I as we leave to see "Sesame Street Live! When Elmo Grows up." Daniel and I went by ourselves and it was so much fun. It was nice to get to focus on just him and enjoy the play together. Daniel knows so many songs now and sings all the time. Of course, one of his favorites is "Elmo's World".
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Here is a picture I took of "Sesame Street Live!" I'm pretty sure Daniel did not blink nor breath during the entire 90 minutes.
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After the event, Daniel posed for a picture in front of Grover and Elmo.
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We've been in Wisconsin for 3 weeks now, so it's time to start looking for fun things to do. We found a Tanger Outlet Mall just about 90 minutes toward Madison. After arriving, we sat in the back of the van and had lunch. Here's Mia enjoying a grape. Mia has some of my wave to her hair. When I add water to her hair, or she gets a little sweaty, it curls all up in little rings all over her head. But if I just comb it and don't do anything to it, it looks like wild child hair. I'm thinking we may have to teach her to use hair product at a young age.
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Mia eating one of her favorite snacks, an apple. She is really begining to talk now. In the last few days, I have heard her say, "I love you.", "Amen!", and "Daniel", all new words for her. But I should not forget her favortie word taught to her by her brother, "MINE!"
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If you ask Daniel to say cheese, he puts a huge smile on his face, shuts his eyes tight, and says, "CHE-E-E-E-ESE!" The only problem is, when he sees the camera, he says, "Cheese!" without being prompted. So many of his pictures is of him smiling and his eyes squeezed shut.
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Another eyes shut tight picture. Say, "Cheese!"
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Toot! Toot!

Daniel and Mia rode the train at the mall.
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It was Family Fun Day at church and we enjoyed an afternoon with the kids. After lunch, Daniel and I tried our luck at the fishin' pond. It was Daniel's first time to hold a pole.
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We caught two fish on the line, but lost them both before pulling them out. It was lots of fun anyway!
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After an exciting day of hot dogs, petting zoo, fishing, and a bee sting on the pointing finger (that's the second sting this year!), Daniel rests his weary head on Daddy's shoulder. Sweet dreams little guy.
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